The Land Management Plan 2020 – 2035 sets a vision for the future for Caulfield Racecourse Reserve to ensure the Reserve can deliver on its three purposes being racing, recreation and a public park.
Update from the Trust
Through the consultation in developing the Issues and Opportunity paper and the Land Management Plan, the Trust clearly heard the need to improve access to the Reserve, to improve the racing experience and to improve the safety and sense of safety at the Reserve. It is exciting that works have commenced at the Reserve towards this vision, however it is acknowledged that in order to deliver upon the vision there will be some interruptions to how the Reserve has historically been used. The longer-term benefits to the Community will see the Reserve access and amenity substantially improved.
All work at the Reserve have been considered and assessed in multiple approval processes including:
- The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust, as the Crown Land Manager and lease holder.
- The Department Environment Land Water Planning as the Crown land Ministers Representative
- Heritage Victoria to assess the significance of the Reserve and any exemptions or permits to be issued
- The Department Environment Land Water Planning as the representative of the Minister for Planning
To date the following works have approval from all in place:
- Upgrade of services and infrastructure to support the Reserve (power, water, sewer, etc)
- Second racetrack in middle
- Works to the events deck area in the northern part of the Reserve
The Trust is working with Government to secure funding commitments to deliver the underpasses and unlock the potential of the Reserve whilst works are occurring at the Reserve.
In line with the consents provided by the Trust and DELWP, the MRC is currently seeking approvals from Heritage Victoria for the following:
- Works associated with racing and public realm improvements in the north of the Reserve including the new mounting yard, subterranean day stalls, landscaping improvements and a new administration building
- Works associated with construction of the new 1,200m chute towards Neerim Road including removal of some buildings
- Re-grading the middle of the Reserve for community uses when works complete
- Demolition of the existing glass house, reinstatement and restoration of the afternoon tearoom and new entry plaza to the Reserve
A new and accessible glass house building is planned towards the east on Station Street. The new facility will deliver significant environmental initiatives whilst allowing the existing glass house to be demolished and the historic tea house restored to its former glory at the main entrance to the Reserve. This has been approved by the Trust and DELWP as the Landowner representative. The MRC are working through approvals with Heritage Victoria and Council.
With the redevelopment of the Reserve some vegetation has been lost and this is always regrettable and in this instance unavoidable in order to deliver the experience people expect. The Trust and the MRC are committed to replanting at the Reserve with advanced trees, with more trees than removed and greater canopy cover in a sustainable manner.
The Trust alongside the Melbourne Racing Club, Council and a number of Community members have made submissions to the Heritage Council on the heritage significance of the Reserve. All parties have agreed the Reserve is of State significance and a panel will be held to hear and review the submissions made to this process.
The Trust is exploring an agreement for part of the former Neerim Road Stables complex to be used by the Level Crossing Removal Authority to serve as their works depot taking traffic and noise away from the residential area whilst this significant state project is being delivered.
For additional information please look at the following resources:
- The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust web page for the Land Management Plan and updates on the Reserve.
- The Melbourne Racing Club web page for updates on the works underway and planned.
- Heritage Victoria for updates on the Heritage significance of the Reserve and any permits being considered
- Glen Eira City Council web page for any planning applications lodged.