Our Governance

The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust is responsible for the planning, development, management, operation and use of the Reserve for the purposes of racing, recreation and public park in accordance with the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Act 2017.

Elderly couple jogging at the Caulfield reserve.

The Trust was created under the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Act 2017 and it also functions as a Committee of Management under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.

Part of the Trust’s obligation include preparing a Land Management Plan for the Reserve, and The Act sets out the process that must be followed in preparing, consulting on and approving the plan.


The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust is governed under the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Act 2017, the Corporations Act 2001 and other applicable Victorian State Legislation as outlined in the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust Governance Framework.

The Land Management Plan must satisfy the requirements of the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Act 2017, as well as the vision and principles set out by the Trust. The draft plan will be assessed against these requirements at key stages during development.

The Land Management Plan will be informed by the following:

  • An understanding of the existing site conditions and site context
  • An assessment of future opportunities
  • Consideration of stakeholder input at key stages
  • Consideration of project feasibility – costs, timing and funding

The project is governed by:

1. Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust
Role: To determine the initial vision and brief for the Land Management Plan, provide oversight and approve draft and final plans.

2. Project Working Group (PWG)
Role: Active role in the work required to put together the Land Management Plan. Provide technical advice and input into the project.

3. Project Advisory Groups (PAGs)
Role: Provide input, direction and feedback into the project at key stages.

4. General Manager – Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust 
Role: Responsible for the day to day preparation of the Land Management Plan and required to report on the progress of the plan to the Trust and Land Management Plan Sub-Committee on a regular basis.


As part of the Project Governance Framework, the Trust has three committees with the powers, obligations and responsibilities as set out in the following charters.

All Committees will also assist the Trust with its good governance practices through helping to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

The Committee shall exercise its powers in accordance with the Charters and any directions by the Trust

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – Download Committee Charter

The purpose of this Committee is to assist the Trust to discharge its duties in the areas of:

  • Financial statements and reporting
  • Risk management
  • Internal controls
  • Compliance
  • Internal audit
  • External audit

Remuneration and Appointments Committee – Download Committee Charter

The purpose of this Committee is to assist the Trust to discharge its duties in the areas of policies for the remuneration of the Management Team:

  • Policies and KPIs relating to the performance review of the Management Team
  • Ensure the effectiveness, integrity and compliance of the remuneration policy and practices
  • Development of position descriptions for Management Team
  • Oversight of the recruitment process for Management Team
  • Making recommendation on a performance review of Trustees in the discharge of their duties.

Land Management Plan implementation Committee – Download Committee Charter

The Purpose of this committee is to:

  • Progress the planning and implementation of the Land Management Plan
  • Progress collaborations and partnerships at the Reserve



The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (The Act) provides a system and procedures for reporting disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action by a public officer or a public body. The Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust is a public body for the purposes of the Act.

For further details, see our Public Interest Disclosure Procedure.


The Trustees of the CRRT reviewed and updated the Board Charter and Code of Conduct. The Trustees approved the Board Charter and Code of Conduct at a meeting of the Trust held on 9th June 2022.  This document has been signed by all Trustees.


In accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Public Sector Commission, the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register details the Trust’s accepted and declined gifts, benefits and hospitality.


Each member of the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust is required to declare all financial and non-financial interests. The current Register of Interests can be accessed here.